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HPDE Guide to Personal Auto Policy Exclusions

“Always read the fine print” is good advice, especially when it comes to your personal auto policy. Ordinary car insurance covers your vehicle under a wide range of conditions, but it doesn’t cover everything. Quite often, a personal auto policy excludes coverage for HPDE, track days, time trials and other events where you take your car on a race track. Here’s a

April 22nd, 2022|HPDE, Motorsports Insurance|

Pre-Event HPDE Expectations for First Timers

An excerpt from The HPDE 1st-Timer’s Guide, written by Ryan Staub and Ross Bentley.


The first time you attend an HPDE track event, it can feel a bit like your first day of school. You may not be sure what to do or where to go, on top of already being excited, nervous and eager to make the

September 28th, 2021|First Timers Tips, HPDE|

Trying New Things at the Track

Trying new things at the next track day is a great way to stimulate your mind and step out of your comfort zone. It’s so easy to fall into a routine and get stuck. Or worse, to get bored. But there’s always something new to learn on and off the track.

Many HPDE drivers want to know what they can do to

May 21st, 2021|HPDE, Motorsports Tips|

HPDE Activities during COVID-19

Like everything else, HPDE events across the country have been affected by the COVID-19 health crisis and government stay-at-home orders. Many events have been cancelled or postponed, disappointing drivers who were looking forward to their next track day.

Yet while the situation is frustrating, unexpected setbacks also offer an opportunity to continue to prepare and improve, so that when events are back on,

May 6th, 2020|HPDE, Motorsports Fun|

Track Walk Tips

It’s the thrill behind the wheel that draws out most race fans to track day events, but even the most experienced driver knows that each event is a learning opportunity. Education is important in HPDE driving and one of the best ways to learn is walking the track. Read on for helpful track walk tips.

How Pro Drivers Use a Track Walk

For professional

February 28th, 2020|HPDE, Motorsports Tips|